support-children in uganda

happy children  

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WAFC Adjust its programmes based on the need of each family in the community it serves 
Primarily, WAFC focuses on the following; 
Advocate for increasing violation of children rights
Increase children’s access to economic resources
Educate on sexual reproductive health in the youth
Engage in the fight against HIV/AIDS  through awareness training
Empower  children and the youth via leadership skills
Sensitize communities through educational sessions with  children, youth, widows, and helpless parents
Train the youth in peer education and life planning skills in schools and communities
Fighting against the system called hunger in the children , HOW? Through providing food for the children that are mal-nutritional
Providing a secured shelter for the children and youth where they can grow with the fear of the lord and the community good morals
Standing to see the value of a child in Uganda for the better of tomorrow
Over coming the segregation of the HIV/AIDS infected children form the society that sees it as  abnormal children, hence giving them a good family that believes in their cores of life as human beings too
Providing education and a voice to the children.
Bringing in place awareness to the community over AIDS/HIV
WAFC is currently carrying out a capacity building programme and children helping programme in three sub counties of jinja (mafubira Sub County, walukuba sub county, bugulumbia Sub County, kyamagwa village), which focuses on empowering children and youth to actively participate in educational, economical, leadership and enhance development
Additionally, WAFC is carrying out a children right awareness action project in two communities with an aim of educating communities on the fundamental children rights, different violations and how to reduce and report violation to different offices
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Wama act for children uganda needs the following
Volunteers of all period
Computers\projectors and digital camera
Feeding for the children
Healthy accessories for the children
Funds for school fees
Friendship ties
Shelter for the street kids
Youth family hall
Camping structures
Publisher\outside o-ordinators